Our premium deisgn 'Cupid' features stunning large red roses against contrasting white blooms and lush greenery. Unique seasonal additions in greens, golds and silvers accent this joyful arrangement featuring a beautfiul gold vase. Using the freshest seasonal blooms selected by our lead designer the day of your delivery this cool color pallet makes a lovely gift.
Add-Ons include our Petals exclusive 3-wick candle for $25 or trio of local chocolates for only $20. Save and round out the ultimate Colorado crafted gift of flowers, candle, and chocolates for just $40 extra.
Every Petals arrangement is unique and specifically designed by our lead designer and botanist on the day of delivery. As flower farmers we strive to use the freshest, local flowers available. Many of our blooms are nurtured from seed in house in Boulder, CO.
All flowers grown by Petals are organic, chemical free, and harvested specifically for your arrangement.
Each arrangement is a work of art crafted explicitly for your order, as such, we cannot always accommodate day of deliveries and ask for 24 hours to process your order...we promise, our flowers are worth the wait!
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PetalsFlower Farm
Flower Farmette
Boulder, Colorado
Petals will be closed for orders 9/19-9/29
while we turn over the flower fields and prepare the greenhouses for winter growing.
We are happy to accept orders for before and after those dates!
Flower Delivery & Floral Event Design
Free delivery over $125
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